Frequently asked questions

Hi, do you have a question? We'll answer them in a few minutes.


If you want to book at the Albergue Montes de Anaga, simply access the booking page by clicking HERE

I don't want to confirm the booking yet; can I make a pre-booking?

Yes, but you must pay the full amount 15 days in advance if it is a group booking and 7 days in advance if it is an individual booking.

How do I know which rooms are available?

Simply call us by phone. Please use the following numbers:

+34 922823225 (Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 15:00)

+34 922690234 (Friday and Saturday from 10:00 to 22:00 and Sunday until 12:00).

If you prefer, you can write to and we will provide you with all the necessary information.

Where can I find the booking conditions?

You can find them on this website and also in the email we will send you when you make your booking.

How do I know that my booking is confirmed?

You will receive a confirmation email with all the necessary information once you have paid in full for your booking (15 days before for groups and 7 days for individual bookings).

Can I change my booking?

Yes, but we will have to check if there is availability for the dates you are interested in and also the nature of your booking (individual or group).

What if I want to cancel my booking?

Send us an email and carefully read the cancellation conditions that we send you at the time of booking.

Can I book online?

Yes, you can book by clicking here

Can I book the whole hostel for a group?

We are currently still in a pandemic, so we have to apply very strict sanitary protocols. Once the pandemic is over, you will of course be able to book the entire hostel for your group.

What services does the hostel provide?

At the moment we can only provide accommodation. However, we do have vending machines for hot and cold drinks and snacks.

How can I contact the Albergue Montes de Anaga?

By Phone:

+34 922823225 (Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 15:00)

+34 922690234 (Friday and Saturday from 10:00 to 22:00 and Sunday until 12:00).

By Email:
Write to us at


You have two options to pay for your stay:

– By credit or debit card.

– By bank transfer to account number ES5221009169062200023436. You must indicate your name, the booking number and the date of your stay in the subject line.


When do I have to pay?

Payment must be made at the time of booking.

If I don't pay on time, will my booking be cancelled?

Yes, we will automatically cancel your booking.

Can I pay for the booking when I arrive at the accommodation?

No, you must pay in advance. You will only be able to pay at the hostel if the booking is for the same day.

What is included in the price?

– In addition to accommodation, we provide you with all the bed linen (sheets, blankets and pillow) although, as a precaution against Covid-19, it is advisable that you bring your own. If you can’t do this, don’t worry because we can provide bed linen here.

– We can rent you towels if you have forgotten your own, but we don’t provide personal hygiene products.

– You can also use the microwave to heat up your food.


The hostel is located in the area of El Bailadero, in the heart of the Anaga Rural Park.

How do I get there?

From Santa Cruz: Take the road heading towards San Andrés. Before the entrance to the village, you will find a roundabout signposted to El Bailadero/Taganana. Once on this mountain road, the TF-12, continue until you find the turnoff to El Bailadero. Turn right and take the TF-123 road towards El Bailadero. After 800 metres you will find the Albergue Montes de Anaga on your right.

From La Laguna: Take the road heading towards Monte de Las Mercedes. Once you are on the TF-12 road heading towards El Bailadero, continue for 13.5 km. Once you reach the junction with the TF-123, turn left and after about 800 metres you will see the Albergue Montes de Anaga.

Is public transport available nearby?

Yes. From Santa Cruz you can take Titsa bus number 947 (see the timetable here)and bus number 946 (timetable).

If you are coming from La Laguna, you need to take bus number 77 (timetable)

If I come by car, where can I park?

We have a car park where you can leave your car

Is parking free of charge?

Yes, it is free of charge.

Do I have to indicate my time of arrival?

Yes, it is essential that you give us an approximate time of arrival.

Do I have to bring sheets and towels?

We can provide you with sheets, although, due to the pandemic, we would recommend that you bring your own. For towels, we have a towel rental service.

What time should I arrive?

Check-in is from 14:00 to 18:00.

Do I have to vacate the room at a certain time?

Yes, between 08:00 and 10:00

Do you have a restaurant service?

Yes, we have a cafeteria and restaurant service so you can book your stay with breakfast, lunch or dinner included. If you are not staying with us, you will also be well received if you would like something to drink or you want to enjoy a great meal overlooking both faces of the Anaga mountain range. Our menu includes traditional Tenerife dishes and local products.

Can I use the kitchen?

No, you can’t. The kitchen is for use exclusive to the restaurant.

Can I bring my pet?

No, we are very sorry but pets are not allowed.

Is the hostel accessible for people with disabilities?

Yes, the hostel is fully equipped for people with disabilities.

Is there a safe in the room in case I want to leave any valuables?

No, there is no safe in the room.

Where can I check the hostel rules?

You can consult them on this website.


We do not organise activities at the hostel, but we can recommend companies in the area that do organise activities.

How can I find out about the essential places I should visit?

Here you can find tourist information about Tenerife and the Anaga Rural Park so that you don’t miss anything.

Do you rent bicycles?

No, but if you bring your own we have a place where you can leave it.

Useful telephone numbers
  • Emergencies:

112 |

  • Hospital Universitario de Canarias (H.U.C):

0034 922 678 000

  • Hospital La Candelaria:

0034 922 602 000

  • Information and Telephone Assistance Service of the Canary Islands Government:

012 |

  • On-call pharmacies:

  • Titsa (bus service):

0034 922 531 300 |

  • Tranvía Tenerife:

0034 922 099 119 |

  • Taxis:

0034 922 255 255 / La Laguna

0034 922 31 10 12 / Santa Cruz de Tenerife

  • Oficinas de Correos:

0034 902 197 197 |

  • AENA (airports):

0034 913 211 000; chat for the hearing impaired:

  • Tourist Offices
  1. La Laguna: 0034 922 63 11 94 /
  2. Santa Cruz : 0034 922 89 29 03
  3. Tegueste : 0034 922 31 61 02 /


What hiking trails can I do in the surrounding area?

You can take a look at this link to see all the available options.

So go ahead – don't wait for someone else to tell you about it

I want to stay at the hostel